Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fall stuff.

It was exactly the same temperature inside the house as out of it.  While waiting at the dentist for my daughter this morning, I read an article in Reader's Digest about how you can lose weight by keeping your thermostat down in the winter and having to burn off body fat to keep warm.  Hmmm.  Sounds like a plan.

Of course, if I keep making delicious desserts like this pumpkin cake with caramel frosting, the body fat will probably hang around!

This is the view from our porch right now as fall in Kentucky does its beautiful thing.  I once heard a quote where someone said if they lived to be 100, they'd regret that they only got to see autumn 100 times.  I agree.  It's just amazing.
The young adults here are on a fitness kick and have been walking or biking every day.  The other day they saw this humonguous mushroom/toadstool thing and took a picture of it with my phone, so I'm sharing.

We spent some time today getting ready for the fall festival I'm in charge of this weekend.  Fingers crossed it goes well!  

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