Friday, October 16, 2015

An update.

I had the biopsy yesterday.  Physically it wasn't too bad.  The worst part is having to wait another week to make sure it's not malignant.  The doctor said that most of these are benign, so fingers crossed and any prayers would be appreciated.  Meanwhile, we've been doing our regular stuff, which means a lot of different things going on.  I have finally gotten used to the idea that my daughter can run some of the errands for me now that she has her driver's license and that has made my life a little easier, plus she has been doing more things around the house, which I appreciate very much.  The sale of mom's house is impending, so we are going to have to get over there and do some work.  The kids and I have joined the church choir to sing in the Christmas cantata.  Fall is happening around here, the youngest is going on with school without really any help from anyone and we are keeping busy.
It's looking more like fall here.

Since it's cooler, the morning glories bloom all day.  

On October 12, some balloons fell from the sky and landed here.  They were birthday balloons and it just so happens that October 12th is an important birthday in the book my daughter is writing, so it was kind of cool.

My daughter decided to do some of my kind of art and did a fabulous job.
While she was out running errands for me one day, she sent me this picture of the cereal aisle, to show that there are no longer gluten free Rice Krispies ... 

and this misplaced fork.  Not sure why she sent this one, but she did comment that Sheldon Cooper would say that this is not a fork, it is a trident.  :-)

And I've been wondering how all of my calendar pages so quickly go from looking like this
to looking like this.  :-P

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