Thursday, October 22, 2015

Community Classes.

I just wanted to get you to think, this morning, about what classes and opportunities might be available in your area, for free, for you and for your homeschoolers.  This week, our library has baby, toddler and preschool storytimes, beginning quilting, rainbow loom, yoga, zumba, 3 or 4 different craft classes (one of which we went to last night), computer classes, bridge lessons, a class on what herbs to harvest in the fall, a watercolor landscape painting class (oh how I wish that wasn't while I was working!), a computer basics class, a lego club, a knitting club, a club for quilters, a writing the story of your life group and more.  That's just this week, people and these are all free.  4H in our county has needlworking club, sewing, sport fishing, country ham, sport shooting, and many more I can't think of right now.  Also, the local hospital has free classes.  We are toying with the idea of going to a free songwriting class tonight at a hospital. Also, we went to church and had a choir practice with a director who has a master's degree in music and we are learning from her how to sing better, for free.  :-)    Look at the newspaper Facebook and search for classes in your area.  We had a ton of fun last night at the local library.

Also, I got my results back from my biopsy and it was benign!  Yay!

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