Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Life happens.

Life has been busy lately.  I have been trying to get some things settled for mom.  Yesterday afternoon was involved with talking with the attorney, trying to decide what to do about mom's house and car and talking to the advisers who are helping us get VA benefits.  We want to do everything right, legal and above board.  We don't want to make costly mistakes.  It's hard when you don't have any experience at any of this, being thrown in, kind of in the deep end, trying to figure out how to pay mom's expenses.  Then, of course, there is the emotional difficulty of packing up my childhood home, getting rid of things.  Since it's been so hot and the air conditioning in her house doesn't really have time to kick in while I'm there usually, there has been a lot of packing, sweating and crying.  It's not fun which is why I am not doing nearly enough of it.  I really, really, really need to get on it.  If I have time today, after taking mom to the pain clinic and working, I am going to try to go over there and work on it at least a little.  Tomorrow is garbage pickup day here and I want to have at least a few bags of garbage out of her house and ready to go.  Mom didn't live in garbage but did keep things like church bulletins and calendars and every Christmas card that she ever received and the taxes from the 70s .... so there's a lot of stuff there.  I do not feel up to the task either physically or emotionally, but it has got to be done.

One thing at a time though, today is the pain clinic, fingers crossed for a good outcome there.  My son will homeschool himself while I am gone.

I might crochet a little while I'm there ...

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