Monday, September 08, 2014


Now that Mondays are my day off, I like them.  I know a lot of people are heading off to work and school and I sympathize.  I'll be right there with you tomorrow.  But today is full of promise.  Yesterday I had a day where I felt good.  This may be the first time this entire year.  Seriously.  I have been plagued by symptoms of pain and aching all year.  So anyway, yesterday I went to church, then went and cleaned my mom's house for a couple of hours, then went to the grocery.  I then spent the evening art journaling and playing Words with Friends, for once out of habit and not because that was the only thing I felt like doing.  I felt pretty good all day.   It was fabulous.

Then this morning, the pain woke me up again.


So we will see what today brings.  My plan is to go to the library, work on mom's house, call a realtor to come and look at mom's house and then we are getting together with our homeschool group tonight, so I hope that I will perk up soon and feel better.  Oh how I hope that.

Last week sometime I came and sat down at my computer to find that my blog was open and it looked as if someone had searched it.  My blog is not private from anyone so I was not concerned.  It turns out that my youngest son had been curious about when something had happened and had searched my blog to find it and had found a hilarious conversation between he and his sister.  The Human Bean Conversation.  So then, trying to find it again, I did a search on conversations and found a bunch of fun ones, mostly between the younger 2 kids.  The older son was already in middle school when I started this blog and therefore less prone to say hilarious things not on purpose, if you know what I mean.  I have a bunch of his funniness preserved in old handwritten journals that I need to dig out and look through.

Speaking of digging things out ... (I am rambling this morning), while digging through mom's spare room yesterday I found a lot of things that made me smile, old pictures, drawings that the kids had made and other things.  It was a happier than usual time in the house and I am really glad that mom is still alive and kicking while we are doing this in a way.  It's never easy, but with mom okay and dad having been gone almost 5 years, I think I am in a pretty good place to do it.  I hope this remains true and I don't end up bawling over there this afternoon.  Anyway, while I was digging the kids found the old stereo/record player and a bunch of records, which must be my brothers, so last evening, we spent listening to Man of La Mancha (actually that one is mine, I was in MOLM in high school) and The Beatles and then some of Paul McCartney's later stuff.  The kids are fascinated by the old tech.  It's funny.

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