Monday, September 01, 2014

I have felt really bad the last couple of weeks.

 So I have been busy doing things that I can do from a comfortable chair; the scrapghan (most of this has been done by my daughter, but my son even did a few stitches) and a bunch of art journal pages.  I think this is about 3 week's worth.  I really need to be selling these.  I may have to go to the local flea market if it ever stops raining.  :-/  I did sell 3 of my artsy designs on Cafepress this week so I'm very happy about that.

In weird news, my oldest son went to the beach to celebrate a friend's birthday and got stung by a jellyfish.  Now for us landlubbers, that is a family first.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you are feeling bad. You have been such an encouragement to me over the last few months. I pray for you often and now pray for peace and healing in your body.
