Friday, March 14, 2014

Another good day.

Next week, when my company has gone back to Mississippi, I will have some things I have to deal with.  I have to start a new job and clear all the computer stuff out of my old one.  I will need to focus more on Mom's care because I've kind of neglected her this week, running around having fun.  We'll need to start back to doing school, though I really don't work hard at that.  I need to go get my eyes examined and I think we have dentist appointments next week.

 But for now, I'm still having a good time.  This morning as I start my next-to-last day at my current employer, I am so, so tired, but we had a good day yesterday.  We went to visit our friends in Indiana and we stayed all day long.  We left at 9:30 in the morning and we didn't get back until about 10:30 last night.  It was great though.  Good friends. When we are all together the time passes so quickly.  It's like we greet each other, talk for a few minutes and all the clocks say 3 hours have gone by, though that does not seem possible.

So today, try to focus through my tiredness and work.  That's the plan. 

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