Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Two good things.

Hey, it's three, I realized as I was typing the header.  First, I got the new job.  Then my old job let me out of my contract with only one week's notice without any problems, then my son's car got fixed!  Now I have a vehicle to drive.  I think he's going to leave it here for me to drive since I can drive a straight shift and take the automatic he is used to driving back to school.  We'll both be reasonably comfortable with that.  Also, since his car only ran last time for 4 days and 4 days will be around the time he needs to drive it 600 miles in 1 day, we all think leaving it here might be a good idea.  He might have time to learn to drive it this summer.  I am not even sure he's coming home this summer.  He may get a summer camp job.  I guess we'll see.  He and his friends went to see our small town again, visit the big Walmart and Gamestop and the penny candy store.  Fun times.  They are trying to not spend too much money since none of them really have any.  :-)  Those work-study gigs don't really pay the big bucks, 10 hours a week at minimum wage, but they are a lot better than nothing. 

Anyway, good day. 

I even forgot to mentiom that I got to take a nap.

And every time my current work IMs me about work in voice recognition, I can ignore it. 


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