Saturday, March 15, 2014

The last day.

The boys go back to Mississippi tomorrow.  I have had a fun week, although I didn't get to talk to my own son as much as I would have liked.  We have all been enjoying his friends, who both talk more than he does, and you add the rest of us in there and sometimes he probably can't get a word in edgewise.  My son is applying for a job at a summer camp in Mississippi, but honestly, I hope he doesn't get it and comes home this summer.  Selfish, yes.  True though.  He's got the work study job he needed for some extra money and he is also getting some other aid that doesn't have to be paid back, through the school, so he doesn't desperately need to work this summer.  His car is now fixed and so getting that fixed won't have to take away his remaining money.

Yesterday, my in-laws took the boys and used them for free labor, also gave them a tour of Amish country here.  Apparently they had a good time because they always seem to have a good time doing everything.  So anyway.  Today's the last day of the visit.

One of my favorite moments was last night when the kids were all talking and my youngest son said something I couldn't hear and one of my son's friends said "Dude, I love your family."

Tomorrow is going to be so quiet.

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