Thursday, December 19, 2013

Taking it a little easier today.

I was supposed to volunteer this evening, but I got up feeling very sore and stiff and sometime in the middle of the day, made the decision not to go tonight.  I really hate to miss it, but I had some things I needed to pick up and my daughter and I wanted to get our hair cut.  I got an inch off and she got 10+ inches off and donated to Locks of Love and then we did some shopping.  It was nice.  Afterwards, instead of rushing off to volunteer, I took a nap.  I do miss the babies but this is probably the calm before the storm.  We've got something going on every day for a while after this and so I think we needed this break.  We are going to spend the rest of the evening watching The Santa Clause 2, I think and maybe drinking some hot chocolate. 

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