Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's really getting close now!

Christmas time is here.  My oldest son is supposed to be on his way home today.  I haven't heard from him yet, but our phone is messing up.  It's doing this weird thing where it rings quite often, but the rings don't stop and then if you pick it up, there is a lot of static.  Then when you put it back down, the ring continues for a couple of minutes.  One long ring.  Every now and then, for kicks, it will do several shorter rings, but there is never anyone we can hear on it.  :-(  We've been yelling "Call us on our cell phones!" into the phone for days.  It did this this morning at 5:30 and at 7:00.  Loads of fun. 

We still have presents to wrap, things to bake, a house to clean (though it is mostly fine), cooking to do, and a Christmas spirit to get in.  We've also got an anniversary party, a Christmas concert and a Christmas play to attend this weekend.  :-P. 

1 comment:

  1. I time goes on, there are more & more things that I find that we have in common. Now it's a 'retarded' phone. LOL! Ours would do the static thing too....we need to just get rid of the home phone because it doesn't work & we all just basically use our cells, so at this point it's a real waste!
