Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Again. I spoke too soon.

Monday's visit with mom left me feeling reassured that she was doing better and then she called me yesterday to beg me to let her come home.  It's sad.  We have a couple of other assisted living facilities that might have more activities and we may be moving her.  We am not sure what to do, so please pray we will make the right decision.  I will go up and visit her tonight.  :-(

We are finishing up school and getting ready for the holidays.  My oldest son gets out of school on Friday and will be driving up, I suppose, on Saturday.  He's bogged down with studying right now (as he should be) and hasn't been in touch much.  The younger 2 have suddenly, last minute, gotten involved in a Christmas play.  The girl is doing the lights and the youngest son is playing 2 parts, one with 1 spoken line and 1 without.  They both seem to be enjoying it.  The boy, especially, is enjoying participating in this.   :-)

So on my blog today, one sad paragraph, one happy paragraph.  Middle age is so much fun.  I am counting my blessings.  I do know that my kid's paragraph could also be sad, and I am very thankful that it is not.

As to Christmas, all of the presents have arrived but one and it's a biggie, so we are hoping that will come soon.  My in-laws are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this weekend as well and I have ordered them a gift that is guaranteed before Christmas, but I really hope comes before Saturday.  I got in on the last hour that they guaranteed delivery by Christmas.  That was a close one.

Have a good day today and take some time, even if it is just a minute, to savor something about this season.  

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