Sunday, November 03, 2013


Still hanging in here, I guess.  We thought we were going to get Mom moved this week, but everything happens when you make plans like that and so maybe now we are looking at next weekend.  It's hard on me and the kids because every time we go over there, there's this feeling that this may be the last time we visit grandma at her house.  Then we have to go through it again and again and again.  I really want to just get it done.  I am a pull-the-bandaid-off-quickly kind of person so it's been a difficult week. 

But, as it always does, life has a way of just going on.  I'm still working and still trying to find my way with the voice recognition software.  One of the things I do to keep my sanity is to laugh at the funny things it types.   There is one doctor there whose last name is really unusual and sounds kind of like Fargotrading.  (*that's not exactly it because I don't know how far the weird confidentiality stuff goes and I don't want to get in trouble.)  So anyway, every time someone says his name as the referring physician or something, it types something different.  Two from yesterday are Dr. Farmer Grading and Dr. Are Returning.  I plan to keep a list, just for kicks of all the funny names it calls him. 

Also, sometimes the doctors themselves say something funny.  Yesterday on the physical examination, a doctor dictated the following.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Reveals a well developed well nourished male who is in no acute distress.
HEAD: Normocephalic.
NECK:  Examination of the neck results in a threat of bodily harm to the physician.
CHEST: Clear.

The kids are doing school as usual and did quite a bit better with the Friday night rush this week than they usually do, so that's progress.  I am going to add a couple of things to their lists that I forgot in August, one is exercise and the other is a 'put one thing in the goodwill box" sort of decluttering system that we've done before with school because we really need to get this house declutterified.  (Yes, I know that's not a word.)

Anyway, pray for us as we again try to homeschool and work through a stressful time.  

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