Tuesday, November 05, 2013


I'm not sure yet, but I think going dairy free has helped my joint pains.  I am feeling a lot better in that regard.  I'm glad I didn't decide after 1 week to go back on dairy, since it seems to have taken a week and 2 days to see improvement.  I am hoping this improvement is not just a fluke and is actually due to the dairy because as much as I love cheese, I really really really love being able to walk without excruciating pain.  I'm funny that way. 

School and babysitting and work are marching on.  We just keep going around here.  My oldest son has finished his trimester finals and has a week break, but he's going to stay in the dorm and wait until classes start again, then go back to class for a couple of weeks, then home for thanksgiving.  I really wish they could consolidate those breaks somehow. 

Mom is still not moved.  My brother is back at work.  I am working.   The next step is the paperwork being turned in and my brother has it, so until he brings it to me or takes it to the assisted living facility, we can't do anything.   So, waiting.  My favorite thing.  :-P

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