Friday, November 01, 2013

I feel like

I should say Happy Halloween again because today was when the trick-or-treating was in our town.  They cancelled it last night because of a storm.  I ignore the predicted weather and just do whatever I was planning to do for the most part, so I went and volunteered at the children's hospital last night holding the babies in the NICU and then had to drive home with high winds, rain and low visibility, but at least I got to see the little ones.  They were all dressed up in costume last night so they were particularly cute.  Then today I worked and was pleasantly surprised to find work available to do, made some stew in the crockpot, took the girl to piano and then we went to craft night.  We did not have a good turnout at craft night so we finished with that quickly and came back early.  Now with all the work I'm going to do today done, I am going to watch the mentalist.

My brother is handling my mom's situation and I am thankful for that.  I feel a little fragile about it all, so I'm keeping busy and he's doing that and then, maybe next week, we'll try and settle into our new normal.


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