Friday, November 08, 2013

What to blog about?

I'd like to have some inspiration and have Great Things to blog about, but I am not thinking great and inspired thoughts this week.  Things I am thinking about in no particular order are these.

I need to remember to take my daughter to take her driver's permit test next Monday.  I keep forgetting.

I wish my job hadn't changed to voice recognition because now I am thinking that I will have to reinvent myself and come up with another career and I really don't want to.

I need to stop by the library and pick up a book they are holding for me. .

I need to stop by the post office and get my friend's mail and then probably mail it to her, since I don't know when I will get to see her again.

I feel like I could really, really, really use a nap.

I just did a google search for workflow instead of sending an email to workflow to let them know I am ending my shift - at least for now.

I wish I could go back and hold the babies tonight like I did last night.  I love doing that.

I hope the kids don't have too much of a Friday night rush this week.  I keep hoping they will learn their lesson and stop procrastinating.

There are about a million other I shoulds, I feels, I needs and I wishes in there, but I don't have time to express them all.

Have a good day everyone. 

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