Sunday, October 06, 2013


I am not feeling well again today, aching all over.  I'm tired of it frankly, just so, so tired.  Anyway, I've been making some deals with the kids to get some things done.  I made a deal for getting the dishwasher loaded and then I started working on a deal to get the fridge cleaned out, I call it yucky food patrol.  We live in the country and don't have a garbage disposal, so we just throw the old food out for the woodland creatures.  They eat it up.  (Except for that time I made lentil stew and no-one would eat it, not even the forest scavengers and it just sat there for weeks).  Anyway, my youngest son was not having any of it.  He never wants to have to do yucky food patrole.  My daughter, on the other hand, was willing to negotiate.  I have 3 types of currency at my disposal:  actual money, screen time and chore freebies.  She was not interested in the money as she babysits and has a business and and always has more money than me, but she was interested in screen time and freedom from chores.  So she came in with a low offer of 1/2 of her chores off one day next week and 1 hour of screen time today.  I went for it and now the fridge is cleaned out, the dishwasher is running and I am making chili for lunch.

Crap.  I just took my temperature while I was typing this and its elevated again, despite the antibiotics I am on.  :-(

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