Monday, October 07, 2013

Speech Recognition.

I'm on my second week now of editing speech recognition generated reports.  It takes forever and is a giant pain in the behind and pays very little, so I'm really thrilled with it.  Its an honor, really to be asked to do it.  

Here's a tiny sample.

Here's what the speech recognition software thought the doctor said:

Maximum tolerated 0.3 mg 3 times a day, Plavix 70.  Fasting patient here under court order.  Will hold:  Low.  Home blood pressure meds.  I have emphasized eluding to counsel and estimated heart failure preoperative hard drugs are intolerant of Lipitor with severe muscle aches and pains.

And here is what he actually said.
Clonidine 0.3 mg 3 times a day.  Plavix every day.   The patient is allergic to aspirin.  She also takes Toradol.   She is allergic to aspirin.  She breaks out in hives.  She is allergic to nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory drugs.  History of allergy to sulfa drugs.  She is intolerant of Lipitor with severe muscle aches and pains.

It goes on and on and on and on like this.  I work really hard for an hour and earn about 3 dollars.  

Edited to note:  Actually I made 1.46 per hour.  So even better.  


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