Friday, October 04, 2013

Really weird.

The kids are gone to a 4H day camp today.  It's about science and video production and lasts all day.  I'm pretty sure they will enjoy it.  They've got some friends there and science and video production sounds like fun.  Anyway, with my husband gone to work, that means I am alone in the house with the dogs.  That almost never happens.   I don't particularly like it.  I'm not one of those moms who needs a lot of time away from my kids.  I like them.  Anyway,  the report on my illness is this --- for the first time since August 8th, I do not have a fever.  Woohoo!  Augmentin is doing the trick.  Thank goodness.  I was able to do my volunteer shift last night, although I did have some shaky legs and I made sure that I sat as much as possible.  It wasn't difficult last night as there were plenty of babies who needed someone to just sit and hold them. 

Today I am continuing training on the new speech recognition editing at work.  Each day I can do 3 of the new type of reports which have to be sent to quality assurance for review and then I can work the rest of the day on the old system.   The trouble is, there is not much to be done on the old system.  So far, I've only got 1 report through there.  So while I am waiting for some work to show up, I am trying to watch last night's Big Bang Theory, but it keeps showing me last week's show. 

After work today (if there is any work), I will go get the kids, take the girl to piano and get on with the regular Friday afternoon stuff. 

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