Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Not so much.

I'm sure that my long time blog readers could have predicted this, but we didn't leave our newly turned over leaves turned over for long.  We were our lazy selves today, mostly and not a lot of school work got done, along with very little housework and no exercise.  My daughter did babysit.  I went to the grocery.  My husband did kitchen duty.  The kids did the bare minimum of school work.  I did try very persistently to get some medical transcription done but there was not much work.  Today was my followup for my urinary tract infection and I the bad news is I still have an infection.  I am on my fourth antibiotic now.  I am still running a fever.  To be honest, I had mixed feelings about the news.  On one hand, I was disappointed that I'm not better yet.  On the other hand, since I still feel like crap, if it wasn't still an infection we were going to have start doing more lab work and scans and try and figure out what in the world is making me feel so bad.  So it's good and bad at the same time.  :-/

Tomorrow I am training on a different aspect of my job so I can do editing for speech recognition computer generated reports.  Its not the best time in my life to do training because I don't feel good, but I've got to do something. 

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