Monday, September 23, 2013

Kind of turning over a new leaf.

I don't know what came over us all this morning, but I have gotten out of bed with a resolve to accomplish as much as possible today and the kids seem to have too.  For me, I think that it is because it is my last day of antibiotics and I feel okay so far today.  I have to go in tomorrow and get another culture done to see if the infection has cleared, and I felt absolutely horrible yesterday, so we'll see I guess, if this crisis has passed.   So anyway, I have set an alarm on my tablet and each time it goes off, once per hour, I am getting up and moving around and exercising.  I need to build my strength back up.  Also, the kids got up out of bed and immediately started doing their cleaning and dishwashing chores and with the dishwasher, washer and dryer humming in the background, they have started their school work.  Nice.

Also today, we are preparing to send a box to the oldest in Mississippi.  His 21st birthday is this week so we are going to try and get a package to him by then.  We have a few things we made him, a shirt he left here when he went back to school, a birthday card in it so far and we will fill the rest up with snacks.  He's gluten free and dairy free, so snacking is kind of difficult sometimes.  :-P.  I had some gluten free doughnuts shipped to him from Amazon but they won't be there until next week.  He said that he thinks his friends are planning something so he's kind of glad the doughnuts will come later so he can stretch out the celebration and maybe minimize the weight gain .. LoL. 

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