Friday, September 27, 2013

Day off.

I had my day off yesterday.  I am still not feeling 100%.  I don't even think I'm operating at half my usual strength.  I had to sit down in Michael's Crafts yesterday.  I sat on a ladder in the yarn aisle while waiting for my daughter to finish yarn shopping.  It led to an interesting conversation with another customer who was surprised to see me sitting there.  Hey, you gotta do what you got to do and when an infection has been ravaging you for 6 weeks or so, you sits.  Lately I've had a hard time with things that normally don't even phase me in the tiniest bit, visiting my friend in the hospital, grocery shopping, washing the dishes - yesterday cleaning the bathroom made me feel kind of faint, but hey, I've got to keep functioning.    I didn't go volunteer yesterday because I am weaker than I was last week and I didn't think I could do the stairs and all the walking and standing.   I will finish my fourth antibiotic on Sunday and I guess we'll go from there, though my feeling is that this one is not working as well.  I'd appreciate any prayers or even warm fuzzy thoughts.
This is how my daughter is. 

Despite my issues the kids are thriving and going right along with their school schedules.  As usual, Friday is a big day for them due to some procrastination, but hopefully it won't be too awfully bad today.  We'll see, I guess.

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