Saturday, September 28, 2013

Random things I have taken pictures of with my new tablet.

Corn growing up through the beans which is kind of a good example of why oats get contaminated with wheat when they share a field and why we gluten free types have to buy certified gluten free oats raised in fields that are not alternated with wheat crops.

My note to myself at the beginning of this month.  The month is not over and the jury is still out.  I am in the deep end, but I am still swimming.

No collection of pictures around here is complete without a picture of Freckles Marie and her funny, funny face.

A picture of a margarita sundae at Tumbleweed on a Mom's night out.  I'm not sure why they call it that because all it is is ice cream and chocolate sauce in what I believe is a martini glass. 

My first set of letters from a recent game up UpWords with Mom.

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