Thursday, August 22, 2013


We went to the state fair again yesterday, as vendors.  It was a little tiring, but not as bad as I had expected.  We had a comfortable place to sit and we could get up and walk around.  We had a cooler for food. (I made one of those salads in a jar and we finished making this tablecloth to use for the display table so my Pinterest score went up by 2.)  The worst part was the boredom.  It was a Wednesday at the state fair and school is in session so it was not very busy.  My daughter sold a couple of crocheted bunnies almost as soon as we got there and then about 2 hours later, sold 3 dish cloths and then that was it.   We sat there for about 4 hours after the last sale because we had been forbidden to leave, lest we never be invited back.  (not really that much of a threat, I think.)  I got a lot of reading done, my daughter got some knitting done and we chatted with our fellow 4Hrs.  Also, my daughter taught a couple of people how to knit because they were interested in what she was doing and wanted to learn.  

Today, my daughter is babysitting, I am working and the boys have not gotten up yet.  The oldest is heading back to Mississippi on Saturday and so we have to adjust again.  That's life, I guess. Adjust,  adjust again, and here's your new normal, for a while anyway. 

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