Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What's the opposite of a day of rest?

That was yesterday, when we went to the Kentucky State Fair.  We walked and walked and walked and didn't really see all that much.  I was disappointed in the fair this year.  We couldn't find a place that sold fudge.  The shows we saw were just okay and then, the straw that broke the camel's back, there was something structurally wrong with the stadium we usually see the concerts in and they had what they called "turf seating" which means flimsy folding chairs on the artificial grass of the football field.  There were a couple of things that I didn't like about it, one was that we could barely see the stage.  We got there an hour before the concert was to start and we were 3/4 of the way to the back and with no seats being elevated, I didn't think we'd have a great view.  Also, the chair itself was uncomfortable and it was strapped to the chair next to it and I'm not a skinny person, so I was crowded up against my daughter in an uncomfortable way as well.  We sat there for about 15 minutes and then came home.  My oldest son was disappointed and now that its the next day and I'm no longer completely exhausted, I am too, but the younger 2 also wanted to go home.  They aren't fans of concerts because they always think that they are too loud and they didn't like the seating either.  I do think it would have been a pretty uncomfortable concert, but once the music started, I probably would have enjoyed it.  It's hard to make decisions like that when about half your brain is occupied by how much your feet and your shoulders hurt after walking around and around the state fair for hours carrying a large purse full of supplies.  We are supposed to go back later this week, but as workers, sitting at a table, and we won't be able to walk around a lot.  Thank goodness.

One really good thing about the fair, my daughter's crocheted bunny won best of class.  :-)

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