Friday, August 23, 2013

Parenting thoughts.

Yesterday, when my daughter was babysitting, the baby cried and I immediately got up and went in there and I ended up holding the baby for a little while.  (She's so darn CUTE, this is almost irresistible). Then I asked my daughter if she could handle it and she said "I don't know, you always come in here."  Yes.  Sometimes I am a helicopter parent.  Eeek.  So I went in my room and did my medical transcription and let her handle it.  Once when I came out of my room for water, they were both sleeping in the recliner, which was very cute.  The next time I came out of my room for lunch, my daughter was just finishing changing her first dirty diaper.  The next time, she was feeding a bottle.  She has it all down.  There is no need for helicopter parenting. 

Now tomorrow when my oldest son leaves again for Mississippi, I will again have to practice my new, improved hands-off-let-them-make-their-own-mistakes kind of parenting.  In some ways of course, it's easier but in some ways it's harder now than when I had to dress them, wipe their noses and all that stuff.  It certainly takes longer to get ready to go anywhere with everybody all grown up and independent and needing to shave and all that.  :-P

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