Sunday, August 04, 2013

Starting to think.

We really need to think about the school year.  The oldest has to go back to school in 3 weeks and that means the younger 2 will be starting school as well.  I have a lot of things I'd like to do with them this year - my daughter's last year (!) of high school but I don't know how much I will get to do.  As usual, we pretty much don't have a budget.  My daughter only has a few subjects she still needs to take - this years English, Geometry and World History.  I'd kind of like to do something like this.
Notgrass Exploring World History

I also could enroll the girl in the Straighterline World Civilizations course, help her with it and involve the boy as well, make it into a unit study, but it feels wrong that he'd be following along and not get any college credit --- though I could excuse him from the writing assignments that she'd be doing.  I don't know.  See, I go back and forth, back and forth.   Also, we could study it and they could both take the CLEP.  That would be less expensive. 

The focus for her needs to be finishing up high school and possibly starting college and the focus for him needs to be literacy since he is dyslexic.  He is ahead on both high school science and math but needs a lot of work  in spelling, grammar, etc.

I'm glad we put off starting school until the 26th, because I really need to think on this some more.

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