Tuesday, August 06, 2013

My challenge.

My son has challenged me to write him a cookbook of things he can cook in his dorm room when he goes back to school.  He is lactose intolerant and stays mostly dairy free, though he can tolerate small amounts.  I generally use water instead of milk in recipes when he's home though and really I may just start doing it all the time because no one can tell the difference and milk is way more expensive than water.  Anyway, he wants a cookbook full of foods that are gluten free and mostly dairy free, of foods that he likes, that he can prepare in a dorm room with only a microwave.  He has a fridge that he can store things in too.  So that's my challenge.  I've set up a Pinterest board to keep up with my initial ideas before I put them in some sort of book.  It may just be a binder with printed pages or I may get fancy and publish it on Kindle or Blurb.  Not sure yet.  He gets the 2 meal a day plan from the cafeteria, but he has been glutened there and is a little leery of eating much besides steamed veggies and grilled meat, besides, the cafeteria closes at 6 p.m. and he's still up to midnight most nights so he gets hungry meanwhile. 

If anyone has any recipe suggestions, I'd love to hear them. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm anxious to see what you come up with too so please share! Not that either one of mine are gluten free....but Ashley is vegetarian & Jon eats most enything.....but some dorm room ideas would be cool!
