Thursday, August 01, 2013

Cautiously optimistic.

Today my heart hasn't been doing any flip flops and I am feeling pretty good.  I am cautiously optimistic that maybe this episode is done and I can wait a year or two for the next one.  :-P  In not so good news, one of the boys is still down with the summer cold that they caught at VBS last week (the youngest is better) and the now the girl is down too.  With each person being sick for about a week (going by the youngest), Mom's Work Camp is not looking all that good for Monday.  :-(    I hope these 2 recover quickly.  I've got a lot that needs to be done around here.

We let the kids have unlimited screen time when they are sick and my youngest son made 2 comments regarding this.  First off, last night, he got up off the couch, said he felt better and said that he felt "too well to have unlimited screen time".    Then today I asked him if he'd taken any cold medicines for his cold, since he hadn't asked me about any and he said no, "just food, fluids and plenty of comedy"  (meaning the unlimited TV).  LoL.

I saw a phrase the other day somewhere on the web that applies to that boy and I may have to make it into a  T-shirt for him.    It would read "High functioning bookaholic."  =)

My computer stopped working on Sunday or Monday and my husband with a tiny bit of help from the technical support at the company I work for, got it all up and going again by last night.  A record, I think.  :-)

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