Monday, July 22, 2013

Public Speaking 101.

My oldest son was asked to speak last night at church about his trip to Peru.  His camera had stopped working on the first day, so he borrowed some pictures from his friends, set up a projector on his laptop and stood up and talked about his trip for 30 minutes.  He did a good job too, speaking clearly and you could tell he'd learned a lot about the country while he was there.  Afterwards he answered questions from the crowds, like if it doesn't rain there, how do they get water (it runs down off the mountains) and what are those crops we can see in the fields (beans and corn).  What was the most interesting cultural food item?  (fried guinea pig).  Even I learned a lot. 

That's one kid I won't have to worry about being paralyzed by fear when he has to do public speaking in college, it looks like.  :-)

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