Sunday, July 21, 2013

Well, this is embarrassing.

Okay, my plan was that I would blog about my getting ready for our school year and challenge my blog readers to do the same, after I had done it, I would challenge you to do it.  And what have I done?  Pretty much nothing.  I accidentally took too much (double) of one of my medications on Friday and since then I've felt pretty awful.  I think I may be turning it around now, but whew.   The only thing I have done is incidentally, while cleaning the kitchen, I took the old writing papers out of the hanging file on the side of the fridge and, I'd like to say stored them neatly in a file cabinet, but I threw them out.  I don't feel it's necessary to keep every little thing.  I still haven't cleaned out the big old wardrobe that contains most of our homeschooling supplies and I need to badly, but I'm probably going to make my kids do it and at the same time, challenge you to do it. This is what we have that I did clean out -  Nylon File Folder Thingy.

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