Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Not feeling well.

Last week's adventure with taking too much medication accidentally, threw my heart into it's irregular rhythm/palpitations thingy that it sometimes does, so I have not felt good for the past few days.  Not. At. All.
I went to the doctor yesterday and she was not particularly concerned.  She ordered a heart monitoring study to be done.  On the one hand, I hope the palpitations go away immediately so I will feel like I'm not dying, but on the other hand, I would kind of like them to still be around to show up on the monitor this time. 

As usual, when I don't feel good, life goes on.  Unlike most people who work I don't get paid time off, so I continue working even when sick.  The kids are doing VBS so I'm trying to make sure I have a meal ready for them when they get home.  I remember how I would come home starving from VBS when I was a kid. 

Other than that, not too much going on this week.  I did go to a mom's night out last night which was nice.  I got to see one of my favorite moms who I don't get to see very often, but missed a couple of the other ones.  :-)  It's hard to find time for everyone to get together. 

Anyway, that's my report for today.  If you are a praying person, pray I get this monitor thing done soon or that the palpitations just go away very soon on their own.   I'm pretty miserable.


  1. Sry to hear that you are not feeling well. It is hard when Mom is down. Hope they are able to find a solution to your palpitations. That is not a good feeling to have.

    My kids did VBS last week and came home hungry and wiped out.

  2. Awwww, Sorry to hear your not feeling well! Sure hope the palpitations go away and you get back to your old self again. I will keep you in my prayers!
