Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Okay, two things done.

I sent my letter of intent and I decided on a date to start.  It's kind of a no-brainer, but my oldest son starts classes on August 26, so we will too.  He'll probably drive down over the weekend before that.  It's a simple thing, but looking at the calendar and making some plans is very helpful.  Essential.  As a person who works Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and volunteers on Thursday and goes to church on Sunday, visits my mom on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, does 4H (7 clubs this year!), gym days, grocery shopping, piano, mom's nights, laundry, housework and various other things, I can tell you, if I don't write it down and make a commitment to it, it ain't happening.    My oldest son wants to go to Mammoth Cave this summer.  We've lived here near it, his entire life and he's never been.  The other 2 kids and I went last summer, but he was working full time third shift then and couldn't go with us, so now I'm staring at the calendar trying to figure out how to fit that in.

So if you are with me, and you've got your date to start, now it's time to think about and jot down some of the subjects you want to cover this year.  So far, I've written down brain gym, foreign language, geometry/ algebra 2 and Straighterline   because I might want my daughter to go ahead and start getting some dual credit this year.  I'm just in the preliminary stages, which is 'starting to think about it."  but hey, it's something.

1 comment:

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