Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Now What?

Okay, now that we have concentrated fully on enjoying the summer for a few weeks, we should start to think about starting back to school.  Around here, the public and private schools start in about 4 weeks and July is the time to send in our letter of intent to homeschool.  Some states require this and some don't but that is always the signal to me that it's time to start giving the school year at least some thought. 

You might want to think about it while floating in the pool, lying in the back yard hammock or while vacationing in some exotic locale (I wish), but it is time to start thinking about it.

What day are you going to start this year?  Plan it.  Mark it on your calendar.

1 comment:

  1. Not til the end of August at least.....after I get my two college kids settled.
