Thursday, July 18, 2013

We all know I can't count.

Thanks to the 2, #10 challenges in the summer challenge list, so I'm not numbering these.  We've got 39 days until school starts here in our house, so really there's no rush for us, but we were in Walmart yesterday afternoon and it seems like getting ready for school is in full swing there.  The teacher's lists are up in the school supplies aisles and they are packed.  I did the public school thing for 6 years and I tell you what, I am SO glad not to have to do it anymore.  For one thing, it's expensive and for another thing, it's crowded and you have to follow directions, which we all know I'm not good at.  (like not ending a sentence with a preposition, apparently, LoL.)   Last night we went by the school supplies aisle and picked up the one thing we always buy this time of year, the 17 cent (they used to be 10 cents) single subject notebooks.  I got several.  The kids use these as needed for math scrapbooks and for writing the occasional novel, so they come in handy. 

So anyway, my challenge to you homeschooling moms is to brave that aisle and find the good inexpensive things you can use and really, really enjoy that you don't have to follow the school purchasing rules.  The freedom is so wonderful.

Last night I followed a pinterest link to homeschooling quotes and enjoyed them.  Here's one I like.

Here's another one, a quote from my favorite Dr. Suess book, Yertle the Turtle.

1 comment:

  1. I don't miss shopping from those school list AT ALL! I can't even imagine the expense times 5. We go through a lot of pencils and erasers. I found a great deal on E-bay. 144 pencil top erasers for $4. I am looking for a more sturdy pencil sharpener as we seem to go through 2 a year.
