Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm still here.

The kids have been busy with VBS this week and for some of them it requires a nap each afternoon.  They aren't morning people, folks.  I have been not feeling well as I posted before and so today, I didn't go to my volunteer shift and took a nap.  After the nap, I got in the pool and it was wonderfully warm and felt great.  I feel better now and my heart is not doing drum solos, so that helps. 

I have declared next week, Kids Work Boot Camp week.  It's mandatory.  They need to get some things done.  We need our gutters cleaned out and someone needs to clean up Piper's messes and that's not gonna be me.  They have been working this week 3 hours a day for VBS and they can do at least that much at home each day next week. 

I checked out a library book today Trim Health Mama.  I haven't gotten into reading it yet, but hopefully it will contain the magic formula so that I will lose weight once and for all.  A girl can hope.   While I was there, I did a bunch of the summer reading activiites.  One of them was checking out a quote book and writing the quote on the sidewalk outside the library with sidewalk chalk.  I chose a book called The Quotable Einstein because it was pretty much the only one I could find and wrote the shortest quote I could find in it on the sidewalk.  It was something about not trying to teach someone until you had learned something yourself. 

I didn't want to sit on the sidewalk and my knee did not want me to squat, so I backed into a corner and bent over, trying not to draw too much attention to myself.  A woman walked by with her child while I was writing and you should have seen her face.  You could tell she hadn't heard how different the adult summer reading program was this year and I think she thought that the vandals in this town sure are unusual, middle aged, female, chubby ...

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