Thursday, June 13, 2013

Very tired.

I got up this morning and went to my mom's because she was very afraid that the plumber that was going to come was going to come before her caregiver got there.  So I went over and had my morning coffee over there.  It's lucky I live close.  Then I came home, cleaned the house a little, cooked a bunch of stuff to tide us over for this evening and lunch tomorrow because I won't get to go to the grocery until tomorrow night, got in the pool and exercised (2 days in a row, go me!) came in, showered, got dressed and went to my volunteer job.  There were some very needy beautiful babies there tonight and I did what I could.  Now that I am home, I'm blogging, I'm facebooking, I'm reading other people's blogs and in a little while I will be art journaling.  All in all, a pretty good day off.

I'm working on my crabby attitude which was very much in evidence yesterday.

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