Friday, June 14, 2013

A tiny victory.

Last night we finished the Percy Jackson book we had been reading and wanted the next one.  The library did not have the audiobook version available.  They had the digital edition that we could download and read.  Now my daughter has been doing the reading every night because that's when I like to work on my art journal and she's nice enough and a good enough reader to read in my place.  It's kind of cool.  However, she did not want to sit at the computer and read.  She wanted to read in an easy chair, sitting comfortably.  So, we tried to put the downloaded book on the Nook.  There was some kind of file issue and I went online, looked up a Nook forum, found the issue which was a file that needed to be deleted from the Nook, figured out how to delete it, installed the book and we were able to read it.  I was so pleased with myself.  :-)

I was reminded of this this morning when I read this article: 

I do know that over the years I have been too helpful to my kids, wanting to step in and show them how.  I need to add this to the list of things I'm trying to improve about myself ... ;-P

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