Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Various random thoughts.

Random thought #1:  We had gym day yesterday and because we have the kind of kids we have, we left them entirely unsupervised.  They played basketball and volleyball and Yu-GI-O (a small group at a table in the corner of the gym).  While they were doing that, we moms had a combination planning meeting and therapy session in which we discussed gym days, going kayaking, field trips, methods of homeschooling, what has worked and what hasn't, illnesses, impending homelessness, job interviews, moving, parental care, kids in college and just about everything else.  I was a little disappointed that we didn't get finished with our meeting in time to play any games (Upwords, Tellistrations), but it was a good meeting anyway.  Then we went to Fazoli's and had dinner.
Random thought #2:  We had a new homeschooler join our group yesterday.  I don't know how she felt about all the therapy and confessions and everything else that goes on in a planning meeting.  We may have scared her off.  She is younger than the majority of us and she hasn't even homeschooled 1 day yet.  She's going to start in the fall.  Hopefully, we will be able to mentor and support her while she gets started.

Random thought #3:  The other day, we took Freckles on our trek to the mailbox and she went down the road and rolled in something that smelled like cow manure.  She came directly into the back bathroom and had a shower.  She was not thrilled.  I have put her collar in the wash too, but I mentioned that if it doesn't smell okay afterwards, I will go to Dollar Tree and get her another one.  Although, when the Dollar Tree part came out of my mouth, it came out as Gollar Tree.  My youngest son said, without a moment's hesitation, "you should go to Collar Tree."  He's clever like that.  Also, he told me last week that he's not going to get his driver's license until he's 18 because the paperwork is easier for me and also he's not going to date until he's ready to get married, has a job and a car, because if he's not ready to be married "what's the point?"   

Random thought #4 - I cheat when I play Upwords but not in the way you might think.  My mom has Alzheimers and we are going through making some very sad choices as to what kind of care we can afford for her, what we will do with the home I grew up in, etc. but in the midst of this, I try to go over to mom's house 3-4 times a week to play Upwords, her favorite game.  We used to be almost evenly, perfectly matched, but now I cheat, backwards, to make our scores closer by writing down 6 when I score 16 or something like that.  Is that bad?  It feels a little bad, but also I don't want to beat her by 200 points.  :-(

Random thought #5:  Work today has been hard.  Just when I thought I knew all the words, the doctors have been throwing new words and syndromes I've never heard of at me all morning.  I guess learning new things is always good, but whew. 

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