Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My baby's birthday.

Today is my youngest son's 15th birthday.  I can't believe it.  I really can't.  He has finally surpassed his sister in height.  Now my little stair steps have changed.  :-)  None of them are very tall at this point, all in the 5'5" to 5'7" range but I have a feeling the youngest has still got some growth in him.  He'll probably be the tallest.

Today is a day to reminise about pregnancy and birth.  This boy was not planned by my husband and I, but planned by God.  Because of crazy things my body does, I didn't know I was pregnant with him until I was almost 14 weeks.  Starting at about 17 weeks, I thought I was going to loose him several times.  I had placenta previa and I would just be sitting there, doing nothing and suddenly start hemorrhaging.  I did this several times and had several hospital admissions.   Then I was put on bedrest and then at 36 weeks, sent back to work.  (not fun).    Then I had a scheduled cesarean section with him at 38 weeks.  If I had known then, what I know now I would have waited until he was ready to be born.   Anyway, he came into the world 15 years ago today, ready to make it a better place with his presence and his sense of humor.  He's a joy.



  1. Your baby is 15 years old!!!! Happy Birthday to him : )

  2. Happy Birthday!
