Thursday, April 11, 2013


The girl and I set out today in search of prom dresses.  We were unsuccessful.  The only 2 that she liked at all were too short for the prom regulations/guidelines.  At the end of many hours, she was contemplating sewing her own.  I really don't think she's that experienced of a seamstress, but I won't stand in her way if she wants to try.  So while we were in the big town, we went to a yarn store and then to  Hobby Lobby and had an interesting encounter with a daddy goose.  Yes, a goose.  Apparently, the momma goose was sitting on their nest, right there in the Hobby Lobby parking lot and he was trying to defend her against all the cars that would try to get into the parking lot, but strutting and honking.  I bet he's exhausted now. 
When we got home, the kids immediately started finishing their chores and school work.  They are pretty well trained at this point. :-P

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