Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10.

Spring, spring, spring!

We had a mostly good day at the park yesterday.  One of the families had some car trouble and the mom was trying to deal with that while the other moms watched her kids and waited for her to get back.  Unfortunately, what's wrong with her car is going to be expensive.  This poor family has had one financial blow after another, after another and it's hard to watch and it's hard to know what to do or how to help. 

After the park, we went to 4H and learned a ton of stuff from the representatives of our local electric cooperative.  They did a great job explaining how things work and telling the kids stories of trying to get to the poles by whatever means available - truck, car, 4 wheeler, horse and boat!  How they have gone to help other states during disasters and how they had to get help from other states during our ice storm a few years back.  

After 4H we went back to have dinner with some of the other homeschool families and had a great time, again, as usual.  We've been so blessed to find this group.

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