Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday, the 13th.

School work was a tad bit better last night I guess.  My son was still doing some grammar and spelling late in the evening, but it wasn't as late as last week.  My daughter would have been doing math half the evening, but we had some kind of computer complication that resulted in her Dad giving her until Monday to get math done, so she can work on it this weekend.  She was happy about it last night, but likely won't be as happy today and tomorrow.  :-P

We checked last night and we only have 21 days of school left.  That will have us getting finished with school on May 13, which is a Monday and kind of a weird day to finish.  That Tuesday, we have park day and we still have several 4H classes after that.  It will feel funny finishing so early I think, but we haven't taken a lot of days off this year.  We did no fall break and no spring break, just the long winter break when the oldest was home.  In the summer, I may have to give the kids a chore list.  I know that they enjoy having nothing to do, but adults don't get that kind of a break and they are barreling towards adulthood, so maybe this is the time to start getting used to no summers off.  We definitely have a lot of cleaning and decluttering we could do this summer to keep busy but I want them to have fun with their brother as well.  That's the thing, a balance fun and work, that we are always striving for.

In this picture, you get a glimpse of the kid-designed work lists, the orange and yellow post-it notes on the wall that track their school work for the week.  You may not be able to tell much, but the orange notes are my daughter's and the yellow notes are my sons and through the week, they migrate from the wall to the white paper you see there, to show that they are done.  In this picture, it looks like my daughter has about 3 things left to do and my son 4. 

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