Sunday, April 14, 2013

Plan B.

Well I think that plan A for today would have been to have a vehicle and get to go places, but since we were stuck at home, we made the best of it.  I worked on revising my book on eating gluten free and my daughter worked on her Algebra 2.  My son got to do his usual day off things.  I also got some bulbs and flower seeds planted, did a few dishes and a bit of laundry.  We watched a little bit of Big Bang Theory and took a nice long walk.   We also ordered a prom dress.  That felt like an accomplishment.  Hopefully, it will fit.  I know it's kind of a risk, but it is returnable and it was only 39.00, so if it does fit, it will be great.  

We heard from our oldest.  He's doing okay.  He will be finishing his freshman year in a few weeks and going on a trip to Peru.   Then, finally, he will get to come home.  This has been really hard on me, I don't know about everyone else, but having him move out was one thing, but then when he couldn't come home on the last 2 breaks, it's been really hard on his mama.  I pray we get the car situation straightened out before he has to go back in August. 

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  1. I've nominated you for a Liebster blog Award! Come check it out
