Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Not too much.

We are kind of taking it easy this week.  I know it's only Tuesday, but so far, so good.  I kind of think I may have forgotten to write down a 4H meeting or two and that might be why my schedule is not quite so crazy.  We'll see I guess.  I try to keep up with them via their Facebook page, but they are not the best at updating that every day.  I kind of don't care.  I was all excited for my daughter to join the 4H Means Business class and she did like it, but I am just not too sure I fit in there.  Everyone was very concerned about parliamentary procedure and meeting protocols and where the president and the vice president and the historian should sit, to be proper.  That took the first several minutes of meeting.  I've been attending 4H meetings with the kids for 5 or 6 years now and I had no idea that the officers had special seats and that the meetings were to be run formally.  We always just say the pledges and dive into our projects.  I kind of felt like a rebel or a square peg in a round hole.  If my daughter likes it though  and I known when the meetings are, I will take her.  I kind of dread when someone asks what homeschool curriculum we use and I'll have to say eclectic, which is what we do and mostly I feel good about it ... but you know.  ...

1 comment:

  1. That's funny that you say that. I ALWAYS considered myself the 'rule follower' but I've realized the older I get (& especially with our Home/Unschooling)the more of a 'Rebel' I've become.
