Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Almost in an accident this morning, but otherwise.

This morning I had to go to the doctor for a routine thing.  My appointment was at 9:30 but I took traffic into consideration and left in plenty of time.  I wasn't hurrying.  I was right in the middle lane of I-65, going the speed limit in my huge white suburban when a van tried to come into the lane I was in.  If he didn't see such a large vehicle there, I suspect he didn't even look.  I jerked to the left and went into the other lane and almost hit the concrete barricade.  Thankfully, the car in that lane was far enough back, that though I suspect they had to brake, I don't think they were in any danger of hitting me.  It's a good thing, because I didn't have time to look.  I just reacted to the threat coming from the right.  As soon as I had righted myself in a lane and looked around, I saw blue and red lights.  A police officer had been right behind him when he did this and pulled him over.  I wonder if he was under the influence or something?  I don't know, but I feel pretty lucky to be alive tonight and even if I wasn't hurt, that would have been so awful if our last car standing had been wrecked! 

In looking at my suspiciously clear schedule I did find that I had forgotten to write a meeting down.  There's one tomorrow and it's the one I mentioned before, that I kind of dread, but I guess I'll live.  I really do think it will be good for my daughter to have more places to sell her crafts.  She's certainly very crafty.

So anyway, I thought this was going to be a light week and it's turning out to be pretty busy.  Sometimes I think the part of being busy that is the hardest, is trying to decide which time slot to put things in, as in "will I have enough time between this meeting and that doctor's appointment to go to the grocery?"  etc.  Once you've decided how you are going to accomplish it all, it's not that bad. 

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