Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Pink trees and pink eyes.

Our ornamental peach tree is proclaiming spring!!
We have plans today.  Lots of plans.  We have 4H electricity club at 4 o'clock, park day at 2 o'clock and a doctor's appointment for the pinkeye I woke up with yesterday at 1 o'clock.  I went ahead and let my job know that I probably won't get in a full day's work today.   Oh I hate pinkeye.  One time when the kids were little, they kept passing it back and forth between them. Finally I put a chart in the bathroom and told them that we were going to wash our hands 100 times a day and get prizes for it.  We never made it to 100 in a single day, but the pinkeye went away and the kids got prizes which were much cheaper than all the doctor's office copays and eye drops we were paying for.  (Of course I didn't take into account the water bill!) Hopefully, this time, I will be able to keep it contained.  It's easier now than it was with little ones. 

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