Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Square Peg report.

Okay, we had our 4H meeting and everyone was super nice and gracious and not obsessing about rules or anything (although they did follow them) .  It was much better than last time and I didn't feel like a square peg..  We felt so much more comfortable.  She's excited now about making some new projects so that's good.  We went at the wrong time because I often get things like that mixed up, but we were early instead of late, so we went to Dollar Tree to while we were waiting.  We got a new water bowl for the puppy.  Hopefully, she won't be able to chew this one up since it's ceramic. 

Then we came home and my daughter tried on the prom dress that had come in the mail today.  Success!  It fits!  It comes to the knee!  It's the right color!  It was only 39.99!  It's a very simple dress, but she loves it and that is all that counts.  Here's the link.  Dress

The only thing that didn't go well today was that I had, I hate to admit this, but I guess it was a hot flash.  I went to the hospital where I volunteer, put on my smock over my regular clothes and started putting away the laundry since no babies were crying.  After a while, I did get to stop that to comfort a baby, but that meant putting on another layer of clothes, a gown and latex gloves.  I got so unbelievably hot that I was sweating profusely.  (In my defense, it is warm in there and I was wearing 3 layers, shirt, smock and gown!)  I finally just gave up and came on home.  They had another volunteer and a couple of nursing students and didn't really need me anyway.  (I had gone in earlier than usual because of the 4H class.)  I was very disappointed, but I guess I'll live.  I miss my babies though.  :-(.

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