Friday, April 26, 2013

A little busy and a little frustrated.

Yesterday I got several things taken care of that I needed to get done.  I scheduled a visit for our homeschool 4H group to go to a local pottery studio and paid the deposit.  I went by the 4H office to try and get my son's electricity project clock that he's going to build for the county fair, but they couldn't find it.  I scrambled around and asked favors for people and got my son all 3 of the letters of reference that he needed (The 2 of them that I got to read made me cry!) and I went to volunteer at the hospital.  I should have went to the grocery on my way home, because we're basically out of all the fresh foods.  We have the canned and boxed goods from the salvage store but nothing to go with them.  Also, we are on our last 2 rolls of toilet paper.  I must find a way to get it done today.

As to why I am frustrated,  the main reason is that I have lost the little license sticker that goes on my mom's car.  The last I remember it was in our vehicle but my husband says one day it was there and the next day it wasn't and he assumed I had put it on her car that day.  But I didn't.  I have 4 days, until the end of April to find it or replace it.  Also, I'm frustrated at the dog situation around here.  Little Piper, who is very cute, is also very disruptive to our other dog's lives and consequently, my life.  I am frequently awakened or half terrified while I am working by barking, growling and fighting.  She's learned to escape her pen in the back yard so she got put on the dog run, chewed through that leash and is running amok.  She has chewed up one of my outdoor lights and I fear what she will chew up next.  Thirdly, I'm frustrated with myself for oversleeping today and getting started on work late, but I guess there's nothing I can do about that now ... just trying to get going on my typing and planning to go to the grocery store as soon as possible ...and now my account is out of work.  I think I may have to go through another change in my career (they happen every so often) and switch to speech recognition editing.  Of course, being old and set in my ways, I don't want to.  The last time we had a big computer system change at work I was the very, very, very last holdout to switch.:-P

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