Saturday, April 27, 2013

A cooking day.

I just felt like cooking today.  I made mini impossibly easy cheeseburger pies (gluten free of course), which kind of made me feel like I was eating a real cheeseburger complete with bun.  I haven't found a good gluten free hamburger bun and I haven't really been all that successful with my gluten free bread baking, so these, and the impossibly easy taco pie, really make me happy.  I added onions, pickles, mustard and ketchup in minute amounts to the recipe and it kind of tasted like a McDonald's cheeseburger, at least to my memory.  Since 3 pound packs of hamburger were in the 5 dollars and some change range last night at Kroger and I got 3 packs, I thought why not use it all up today, so in addition to the hamburger pies, I made lasagna and cowboy stew.  You'd think we'd have leftoevers for a long, long time, but with 2 teens in the house, probably not.  :-)

Updated about 15 minutes later when the pies are mostly gone.  I ate 2.  We saved 2 for my husband and one of the teens ate 8.  The other one doesn't like cheese.  So there you have it. 

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